Thursday, September 28


this can't be fake.

this can't be fabricated.

this can't be what i don't want it to be.

God, don't let it go any farther if it's wasting time.

oh, Shachah, don't leave me now.

this can't be a song and dance.

this has to be more.

this has to go deeper.

But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit

and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who

worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Sunday, September 24

feel it rise

i see a generation rising up
no longer accepting lies
running to the battlefield
and losing their lives

i see a generation rising up
no longer accepting lies
as a band of worshipers run to the battlefield
they're finding their lives
i hear a voice

What would I do for a larger vocabulary, to express what this song moves in me. Not the song, but my spirit in me connecting with the will of God. I see this, in my heart and my conscience, in my church. It's almost prophetic. What mode will the Spirit rip through this campus with? Waiting in expectation! I can see this going down like Braveheart, an epic battle with no comparison.