Monday, March 3


waiting for my sheets to dry at one a.m., i write.

it came to me recently that there are facets of the Way that i am bypassing, or removed from at least, through the course of my life. the hymnist continually discourses on the peace of Christ, a concept that, for some reason, has been failing to be grasped within my mind. this idea of Christ being the all encompassing provision of tranquility never seemed to resonate with me completely, perhaps i was out of the rhythm of the Spirit. it just seemed that i couldn't secure for myself a morsel which was laid right before me.

oh, but how this rapidly changes once we more completely grasp the regenerative work of the Cross. i can't believe that it slipped past me, but how meager my perception of the destination of my faith. o the purest of joy to see my marred name in the Lamb's Book! to see the power of His might restore this most broken of vases, to glory in the fact that He hath chosen me among the lepers, to receive the humblest of gifts from the humblest of Hands. through simplicity, herein lies the fullness of God, the very down-pouring of heavenly heat, searing all sin to its deepest of graves. everything is for the Gospel. what loss to drift from such a treasure.

all the fitness that He requireth is that you feel your need of Him.

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