Monday, October 20

NC State, Raleigh, North Carolina

After waking up at 0400 to catch our flight, we land at Raleigh-Durham to find that our time on campus will coincide with Justice For All, a pro-life awareness project run by Christians. Due to their central location in the free-speech zone, we didn't have many other options to distance ourselves from the exhibit, so the topic of abortion did not take long to arise. I have already been struggling with and praying through patience to deal with the exorbitant folly exhibited by some of these hecklers. With the added influence of the JFA exhibit, it just grew to be even more disgusting. Comments abounded such as "hey nigga, why don't you just kill it then ask for forgiveness?" forgive them Lord, they know not what they do.

After Obama proclaimed that FOCA would be a priority for him, this has become incredibly imperative, not to mention the worldwide efforts to provide this "right". With two weeks left in this marathon election, polls are coming up showing Obama's gap is closing. I deeply believe this election could become one of the most decisive of our generation, not just because it's Obama, but because that would leave 2/3 of our governmental trinity under Democratic rule, not to mention the several Justice positions that could open up in the future. Leaving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama unchecked is a dangerous place to be in. Yes, the Lord is sovereign, He will reign, I'm just wondering how much closer that will be after November 4th.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the blog, prayers going up for you here from a friend in C-Bus... would appreciate the favor returned... look forward to seeing you again around here soon...

Corrie_Anne said...

That is some scary stuff! I'm praying for you and Tom this week, and of course for our country as well. I'll pray for your patience and love, I know how hard it is to love in the face of something that painful, I pray the Lord will give you a deep compassion for the people who you meet that will propel you to share the gospel even more boldly.