Wednesday, June 28

over the river and through the woods...

6-25-06 @ 7:47

     Here we are on our way to Tan-Tar-A for the Pastor’s And Leader’s Conference, and I’m dang excited! Frank Liu is driving, and I’m laughing at how ironic it is that 4 pastors are trying to beat the insurance system on how to legally drive this rental van. Anyways, I’m really not sure what to expect because Faithwalkers set the bar pretty dang high for me, and Alan Moore said that this was like Faithwalkers on steroids!!! This is going to be intense. I remember how long the drive was for us coming from Gainesville, so this shouldn’t be as bad as we are 2 hours ahead. This amount of time in the car should give me ample time to catch up on my Old Testament readings in my Bible-In-A-Year plan, I’m dang excited! Being around all of these all-stars for 20 hours is going to be amazing, and I’m praying that the Lord would knit our hearts together hardcore like whoa. So maybe I’ll update later on in this drive, maybe not till I get there.

Friday, June 23

I saw this on and I really enjoyed it. Seems to apply to almost every college student I know! Maybe not the Scientologist part...

New York magazine, as part of their Urban Etiquette Handbook, has a section on “The Four Levels of iPod Interaction : Whom you do and don’t have to unplug for” :
Continue at full blast. Consider increasing the vigor of your head-nodding and/or humming.
• Guys passing out bargain-electronics-store flyers.
• Idealistic-looking whippersnappers holding clipboards.
• Scientologists.

Subtly turn down volume.
• People in the elevator you don’t know.
• Someone attractive who sits down next to you on the train while you are listening to the Goo Goo Dolls.

Make a big show of pressing PAUSE.
• Anyone who approaches you while you’re working out.
• Non-panhandlers on the subway (may be helpfully pointing out that your bag is open, may be distracting you in a Gangs of New York–style pickpocket ruse).
• Co-workers you hate.
• Friends.
• Your parents, if you’re a teenager.

Remove headphones, toss them jauntily over shoulder.
• People in the elevator you know.
• Anyone taking your money or instructions about how to prepare your food.
• Co-workers you don’t hate.
• Your parents, if you’re an adult.
• Police officers.

Completely remove and enclose in nearest pocket/bag/ purse.
• Co-workers who could have you fired in less than an hour.
• Anyone who’s crying.
• Police officers standing next to someone who’s pointing at you and saying, “That’s him!”

Thursday, June 22

rednecks and registration

Honoring Him with my finances has been incredible. Yesterday was a weird weird day. I sold my car, which was awesome cause I got to pay off two of my credit cards and tithe some of it. But the buyers were nuts. First off, from the first time this guy calls me to get info about the car, he's short with me, rude, and just doesn't know how to do business. He suprised me by actually showing up earlier than he said he would, AND he had the cash with him. So these two redneck guys my age check out the car, and the one guy that wants to buy it says he wants to go for a test drive, which is all good. We get in the car, I'm in the backseat, and let's just say that my dead great-grandmother can drive stick shift better than this kid.

He puts the engine up to 3,500 rpm's, THEN lets out the clutch as we are trying to back out of the parking lot. Needless to say, I was scared/thinking "what if I go Home early today?". This kid starts driving around the FSU stadium like he was Dale Junior or something, it was nuts. He can't shift, he can't drive straight, all him and his friend talks about is how it's got good low end pickup and junk, things that immature hot-headed teenage boys talk about. So we take it back to the house after the thought of going Home early runs through my head about three or four more times. He signs the paper work, hands over the cash, I sign over the title, it's a done deal. He drives off, I thank the Lord for providing a buyer so quickly, I'm at peace. Alex and I get in the car to go up the street to the Wachovia to deposit the money and my paycheck, when I get a phonecall from this joker. He said the car died at the gas station. "Oh, crap, what did you do know?" runs through my head. After we make the deposit, we head up to the gas station where they are, and after I get in the car, the car starts up fine. I don't want to even know what they've done to that car. As we are about to pull back out into the street to go home, they run up to Alex's Jeep and ask for a flipping refund!!!!!! I told him, "Bud, as it states on the Bill of Sale, the car is as is where is with no warranty implied or stated. The car is fully in your hands now, I'm out of the picture." And we drove off. I can't believe this guy!!! The audacity he has!!! We go home, all is well.

About 19:30 at night, he calls me again!!! He starts yelling at me, calling me an effin liar!!! I was getting aggrivated to say the least. He says that he took it to a mechanic and they took off the alternator and it was fried. Great Dale Jr. what did you do know in the last two hours you've owned my car? I told this guy that he forewent his chance to take it to an auto mechanic before he bought it, which he never did, and he got all pissed off at me and hung up!!! I can't believe this guy. So it's a done deal, I've got the money, he's got my car, and two of my credit cards are paid off. The audacity of some people will always baffle me till Kingdom come!!!

Tuesday, June 20


I should be in bed, but I decided to update this thang. I've never felt like my life has been in more order than it is now! It's such an incredible feeling. This summer we've been going through the Crown Financial Study and it's made me realize how much He is in control of those areas of our lives, and how I need to honor Him more with that. So today I downloaded Mvelopes, a program from Crown that helps you organize your finances even more based on your debit and credit card transactions, its so amazing! I'm getting my mom on it, and probably my brother too, if that kid ever gets a job. Having a plan of getting out of debt is incredible!!! The end is in sight! Especially because within the first day of having my car up for sale on Autotrader, I've had 3 calls and 2 offers, in which the bid is $100 over my asking price! He is so faithful!!! I dunno, life is great, I love Him, and I can't wait to get out of debt! Goodnight!