6-25-06 @ 7:47
Here we are on our way to Tan-Tar-A for the Pastor’s And Leader’s Conference, and I’m dang excited! Frank Liu is driving, and I’m laughing at how ironic it is that 4 pastors are trying to beat the insurance system on how to legally drive this rental van. Anyways, I’m really not sure what to expect because Faithwalkers set the bar pretty dang high for me, and Alan Moore said that this was like Faithwalkers on steroids!!! This is going to be intense. I remember how long the drive was for us coming from Gainesville, so this shouldn’t be as bad as we are 2 hours ahead. This amount of time in the car should give me ample time to catch up on my Old Testament readings in my Bible-In-A-Year plan, I’m dang excited! Being around all of these all-stars for 20 hours is going to be amazing, and I’m praying that the Lord would knit our hearts together hardcore like whoa. So maybe I’ll update later on in this drive, maybe not till I get there.