Tuesday, June 20


I should be in bed, but I decided to update this thang. I've never felt like my life has been in more order than it is now! It's such an incredible feeling. This summer we've been going through the Crown Financial Study and it's made me realize how much He is in control of those areas of our lives, and how I need to honor Him more with that. So today I downloaded Mvelopes, a program from Crown that helps you organize your finances even more based on your debit and credit card transactions, its so amazing! I'm getting my mom on it, and probably my brother too, if that kid ever gets a job. Having a plan of getting out of debt is incredible!!! The end is in sight! Especially because within the first day of having my car up for sale on Autotrader, I've had 3 calls and 2 offers, in which the bid is $100 over my asking price! He is so faithful!!! I dunno, life is great, I love Him, and I can't wait to get out of debt! Goodnight!