Tuesday, February 6

making deposits.

i find it funny that age isn't a boundary to or requisite for learning.

i want to learn the big things, but i want to learn the small things, the unnoticeable things.

i'm constantly learning things from the children i babysit in GCL, from 76-year-old women from my home church, and from my brothers on the wall with me here at UF. one brother in particular, Matt Kent, has made a huge impression on me lately, and i didn't even see this coming. last year, his freshman/my sophomore year, we got to know each other from dance parties and a slew of other events the church put on, but we never really clicked. we still haven't.

anyways, over this past summer, matt and a bunch of other gcl'ers went out to a summer leadership training program in colorado where they were challenged to memorize a list of 99 verses. only matt and one other guy took up the challenge. over this past fall semester, i could see a huge change in his character and spirit as he's continued to memorize more and more Scripture. this past week, i was incredibly convicted to start memorizing verses and i love it! it's the last thing i think of when i'm slipping into stillness, and it's the first thing on my mind when i wake up. i actually think i woke up to reciting Psalm 24:3-5!

who will ascend the hill of God?
who shall stand in his holy place?
he who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, he who does not swear deceitfully. he will receive blessings from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

what an exhilarating way to wake up...i hope there are more like it. i don't have an exact plan right now except to memorize one a week from the verse of 99 and at least two verses that stick out to me in my daily readings. Lord, may i hide your Word in my heart that i might not sin against you.

follow the Spirit inside of you. follow the electrical storm.


Dream said...

Thank you David. God is an amazing Father to His children, is He not? Hope you have a blessed day as well. Keep abounding in the work of the Lord! :)

Nicole said...

These 99 verses to memorize...is there a way I could see this? Scan it and send it to me maybe? That could be amazingly amazing. :) Thanks, David.