Sunday, February 18

oh the grace!

how great is His love!

blessed be the Lord, for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when i was in a besieged city.
psalm 31:21

in this besieged city of my heart, the vast darkness, his steadfast love will never leave, no matter how strong the opposition, how fierce the rain. thank you so much, Jesus, for grabbing my hand as i slide off of this mountain face! oh, how good you are, how could i ever tell you how much i love you? you are too good, too close, too pure for me to ever do you injustice by my lacking vocabulary. even as i betray you for thirty pieces of silver, you still call me friend. how can you? why would you? you have no reason to, but you do every morning when the sun spills into my eyelids.

you call me friend.

you call me friend.

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