Tuesday, August 28

in season & out

i'm sick of being disobedient.

i was disobedient last spring.

i was disobedient in poznan.

it's not going to happen anymore.

some how, i convince myself that 'good' is acceptable, when He's offering the 'best'. it's right there, in the middle of His table, the offer prime. yet i shrink back, and limit myself and completely sell myself short.

i am regenerated.

so as He urges me to preach on campus, i would be a fool to deny the opportunity.

not to mention that i HAVE to do this, look at this verse:

"so you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, 'we are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.'" -luke 17:10

i am doulos.

i have to preach, i have to proclaim, i have to realize how temporal our ivory bones are. Holy Spirit whacked me over the head with this verse the other day, and it's been on the forefront of my mind ever since. He doesn't owe me one single thing, not a wife, children, a career or the next breath in my lungs, for I am eternally indebted to my Father for stepping in between His justice and His wrath for me. how amazing is that! i mean, here i am, this puny college kid who frequently fails to take his Father at His word, who choses the good things of this world, when i can eternally explore and worship the very One who stitched me together.

i am raggedy andy.

sew me up, all the more. rips and tears, stuffing gone and buttons not there, take me as i am.

i am covered in unapproachable light.

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