I think it's pretty dang cool how God answers prayers. I've been seeking His face for a while on this topic, and I realized that he has been answering it without me even knowing it! He's just so dang cool. Also the other day, I was walking back from class, and this joy just flooded my mind! All I could think of is how freakin blessed we are knowing Him and the Truth!!!
This came as a result of listening to the Turlington preachers yesterday, in which God totally changed my heart towards them! You may know the guys I'm talking about, they hold the gigantic signs that condemn people to Hell. I used to judge them, rebuke them in my head and heart, sometimes verbally, I was embarassed that I was associated by faith with them. But I listened to them yesterday, really listened to them, and God worked on my heart! I saw that they weren't arrogant or full of hate and condemnation, but that they loved people, and they were preaching the Gospel!
If we preach a Jesus that is all love, the feminate Jesus that I hate, people don't take it seriously and I think it belittles the power that we hope in. You need to preach love, as well as God's justness, which is an extension of His love that people can't grasp. I don't care if people got pissed off, mostly because they didn't give these two men any of their time. They passed a judgement in their heads that these two were arrogant pricks up on their Christian soapboxes, when in reality these are broken men with broken lives, living a life made holy through the power of Jesus Christ! Jeremiah, the bigger guy, pulled out a pack of Marlboro's, sat on the ground and starting talking about how his divorce was his worst mistake ever. You could see he was still hurting inside, Lord knows how many years ago it was. These guys rock, and the next time you walk past them in Turlington, don't just judge them as some fundamentalist freaks, but give them 10 min of your time. They're fufiling Matthew 28, just in a way that may rub you the wrong way. It's better than doing a Bible study at a bar, that's for sure.