Thursday, March 30


Haven't updated this in a while, the Holy Spirit hasn't really convicted me to do so! Haha...oh man. This semester has been crazy awesome, a little bit of pain, but the Lord's power is made perfect in weakness! Support raising takes up a lot of my time, but I love it so much! The Lord is doing great things through this church and this movement, and people need to hear about it! I could raise support for the rest of my life!!! Now I really don't see anything holding me back from being on staff for the rest of my life. The only hard part about support raising is having to ask donors for names of others that woudl be interested and talking to them. I did my first one of those calls just now, but it flowed great! If there is 1 degree of separation, you always have something to talk about, the middle person!!! Overall, this has been an incredible experience, especially when we get to talk to the other interns via e-mail and encourage them. One girl I met, Sarah Campbell, rocked my face off, still does, and we keep encouraging each other, she has such a heart of a warrior! These interns across the country are incredible, I love them so much and I've known them for such a short period of time. Back to making calls!