Sunday, January 22

call me Joseph...

I had this weird dream last night. I was at Faithwalkers, but it didn't feel like this past years, it was in the coming years, but I didn't feel any older. We were all in one of the seminars, it was a smaller one, but there was about 25-40 people there. I was standing in the back of the room, listening to the main speaker, maybe Bill Young? I can't remember, and this guy that was sitting in a chair to the left of me asked me to sit down, so I sat on the ground right there. Then the speaker introduced me, because I was supposed to be the one giving the seminar. I don't remember what I was supposed to be talking about, but I remember that the main Scripture I was using was out of I Timothy, maybe chapter 5? I don't remember. And I remember, I was so cool and calm, I was walking around the front of the room talking, which in real life I hated to do, I always stood right behind the podium in speech class. But I was comfortable, comfortable enough to not even use the mic. I don't remember how long I was talking for, but then I woke up, and I looked at the clock and it said 0230 hours. And I saw my mom called, she left a message about Family & Friends weekend in a week. It felt so weird. I'm writing this mainly so that I can remember it, I'm pretty sure I know what it means, and I hope it comes true. I'm gonna go back through I Tim and see if I can figure out what I was trying to teach on in my dream. It felt so real it was eerie. OK, off to church gone wild.

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