Tuesday, January 17

number one with a bullet...and i'm pulling it.

Well, this is the first one. Can you believe it? THE FIRST ONE! Not of all eternity, but I'm using this blog to evolve some thoughts I have. It's not thoughts like, "I wonder what's REALLY in a hot dog?" or "Why does my roomates room smell so weird?", but deeper stuff, stuff that actually matters. Maybe this will be my springboard into a book. Yeah right.

I don't want to mislead you with the title. My roomate showed me a book called "Adventures In Missing The Point". It was really really good from what I could tell. 1 chapter can speak volumes! It was Christian commentary on how, through our Walk, we think we have it all figured out, but in reality, we've totally missed the point. I'll explain more, but this is my blog to think out my mistakes and how I miss the point, just like a lot of other people. We'll see where God takes it. I'll write later.

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