Thursday, January 19

Come and Listen...

Listening to David Crowder's song right now, and something went through my head. All we have to base what we believe on is a book and a life transformed by what we can't see or measure. There is so much beauty in that, I fail to realize it so much. I remember one time JB and I were sharing with this agnostic kid in the Reitz, and on the walk back we were talking about how its such a simple decision, yet it is the biggest moment of your entire life. Thank God for the Holy Spirit! So I find it incredible that the greatest thing that has ever happend to us, the one thing that radically changes how we speak, act and feel, is all from something we can't even see. Some may say that's religion being the opiate of society, but our Lord wants hearts that are faithful, full of faith, not full of proof that was given to them so that they can be persuaded. You can't measure love or affection, nor happiness, depression, laughter, or crying, but they are there, and we can see the effects. You can't see God, but you can see his fingerprint in our lives as we do our part to fufill His will. Matthew 28 in my veins. In our veins. And some will never know what we know, and it breaks my heart. I'm off to bed, preluded by a bit more deep thinking in deep sheets.

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