Monday, February 27

MTD. Done.

OK, so it's over. It was an intense weekend, probably one of the most intense conferences I've ever been to. We learned so much and the Lord has already stretched us a lot, and I know that He's no where near done growing us. I have to raise about $775 a week to meet my goal, but we'll see who the Lord provides to give. One key point they stressed was that God has already predetermined who is going to support us and be on our team, all our job is is to go out there and tell people our exciting story of what God is doing at UF and FSU, and see if they are one of the one's that God has picked. I think I'm going to go home this weekend, meet some more people at my mom's church in Ft. Lauderdale, and hopefully soon make it down to the Keys to reignite some of those old relationships. I'm excited, I really am, but at the same time I'm pretty scared. When I sit down and think about it though, that's a completley illegitimate feeling to feel, because my fear is irrational. I have no basis to be afraid, because God is going to provide, and if He chooses for me not to do this internship, I'm still going to Tally to work with this church plant.

The whole time I was thinking full-time ministry in the back of my head. I know I would love to do it, and that's what i'll do this summer, but for now I need to put a lot (7 hours a week) of work into finding out who God has picked. Paul Standinger, the head of the trainging, said that we need a base of principles and promises for the times when it gets dark, so Sam and I are trying to remember some awesome verses. We ( the MTD crew) set up a listserv for the 15 of us, and we are going to be constantly encouraging each other and praying for eachother as we go into this fire together. There is going to be a massive amount of character development, so I'm interested to see what God is going to do through Sam and I.

This is going to be intense. I'm not ready, I never will be, but I don't think I need to be ready for God to work in me. I wasn't ready for all of this, but here I am...and all I can do now is walk. If I don't, I'm not a man nor one obeying his Father.

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