Monday, February 13


It's not the images or stills, physical or contrived in my brain. No, it's the words, the actions, the possibilites that meet me there, where I almost don't expect it, knowing all along thats exactly what I need. I look for things in the wrong places, with God, my life, or people that I'm around. It's not about the way things seem or appear at our place in time. I wish we could all circumspect our environment. I'm going off of no sleep here, so not sure if this makes sense. God is big, He's damn big, and knowing that I'm at His mercy is incredibly humbling. I don't want to put my hope in things that could fail, especially my own plans, but part of me compells me to do so, I think it's a basic human instinct. I really wish I had more words to describe my world, my thoughts, my dreams, but I can't and I'm ok with that because God is beyond the sphere of words and mixed emotions. All I want to do is His will, even if I don't know what that really is. My head hurts, it's been a long day...effen long.

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