Thursday, February 16

whole wheat pizza!!

It's not that much healthier for you than regular bleached wheat pizza. But it is better than Five Star!!!! It's good, but it's still pizza. I'm on Jackie's 12" PowerBook, it feels so smooth, so sexy! I love this thing. Can't wait for the MacBook Pro! Anyways, we're sitting on her futon, listening to Cary Brothers, eating whole wheat pizza, and watching this cool sunset over the apartment complex while her dog Monte is running everywhere trying to eat my iPod headphones. Lady bugs are everywhere! They are all dead on her window sill, it's kind of pretty. This song of his, "Honestly" is well with the mood of this afternoon. I love the tones. For me, a song could be about doing your laundry and meeting a hooker, but as long as it's beautiful, I'm ok with that! I wonder if that's what Sigur Ros is really singing about on ( ). Icelandic hookers! I've got to go baby sit the Villoria Doll's with Giorey and someone else, I can't wait for these kids!!!!!! Oh man, I love em!!! Good thing that pizza filled me up or else these kids woulda been in trouble!!!! I love You, Jesus....

1 comment:

Amber said...

check the latest post and you'll be certain you aren't the only one this is hard for!! love ya bro.